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The naval officer expressed surprise that the boys had been living without adult supervision and order. He also saw their situation as a "jolly good show" and tried to reassure them that they would be safe now.

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Q: What did the naval officer say to Ralph in lord of the flies?
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What happened to Ralph lord if the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Ralph is hunted by the other boys, who have turned savagely cruel under Jack's leadership. He is saved just in time by a naval officer who arrives on the island. Ralph is rescued, but the experience has changed him forever.

Who or what saves Ralph in the end of the story lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Ralph is saved by a naval officer who arrives on the island to rescue the boys. The officer sees the chaos and destruction caused by the boys and intervenes to put a stop to it. Ralph is ultimately saved from the savage tribe led by Jack.

How was jack GOING to kill Ralph in lord of the flies?

Jack set the entire island on fire in hopes to kill Ralph with the flames, however; he was unsuccessful because the naval officer showed up before Ralph could be murdered.

The number of characters in the Lord of the Flies?

Ralph, Jack, Roger, Piggy, Simon, Samn'Eric, Percival Wemys Madison, The littluns', Naval officer. Total characters: 9 + littluns'

What does Ralph see when he runs away to the forest?

Ralph sees the naval officer upon his arrival in the forest. The officer is part of the rescue party that has come to save the boys stranded on the island.

How is Ralph rescued?

Ralph is rescued in the novel "Lord of the Flies" when a naval officer arrives on the island after seeing the smoke from the fire. The officer finds Ralph hiding in the bushes and brings him back to civilization.

Who said nobody killed you hope any dead bodies in lord of the flies?

The Naval Officer

Who rescued the boys of Lord the Flies?

Jack volunteers his hunting group to watch.

What do they do with the sharpened sticks in lord of the flies?

Well, they use the first sharpened stick to put the pig's head on. They don't actually do anything with the second stick, but they planned to kill Ralph and stick him on there, just like the Lord of the Flies. Luckily for him, the naval officer came and the suspenseful chase through the woods is ended.

Did anyone make it off the island of the lord of flies?

Yes, at the end of the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, a naval officer arrives and rescues the remaining boys from the island.

In lord of the flies when the naval officer finds out that two boys has been kill what do he do about it?

Nothing. There's nothing he CAN do. Their dead and gone.

In Lord of the Flies what is the purpose of the naval officer's presence in the surrounding waters and what is the irony of this light of his reaction to the fun and games of the boys?

the irony is that the naval officer says that they are playing fun and games when in their eyes this battle is for real