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Q: What did the olive tree provide the Athens with?
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Which greek god gave Athens its first olive tree?

I'm pretty sure Athena gave Athens its first olive tree because the olive tree is her sign. But i am not sure.

Greece's national tree?

it is the olive tree in Greek mythology the city of Athens was given the olive tree as a present from Athena to help decide Athens patron god Poseidon gave them horses and the Greeks thought the olive tree was the better gift.

What was the sacred tree of Athens Greece?

the great gilgamesh tree.

Was it a crime to chop down an olive tree in Athens?


What tree did Athena create?

Athena created the olive tree for the people of Athens.

What plant were sacred to Athena?

The olive tree. Look it up in the history of Athens from when her and Poseidon were trying to figure out who should get Athens. Athena gave an olive tree to Athens and Poseidon gave Athens a saltwater fountain that was as salty as the sea that he had power over.

How did the olive tree help the people of Athens that Athena gave them?

The olive tree was a symbol of great success and peace for the city. In more literal ways of helping the people of Athens, Athena's gift of the olive tree was a good source of wood, oil and food.

What is the connection between Athens and Athena?

The connection between Athens and Athena is, Athena is the protector god of Athens. The King of Athens, Cecrops, needs a protector god over Athens. Athena was chosen because Athena grew an olive tree, the olive tree was fundamental to the Athenian economy.

Why was Athena so important to the Athens?

because to win Athens over she had provided the first olive tree providing wood, olive oil and food... :)

Why did Athena give the city of Athens an olive tree?

Athena and Poseidon had a competition to become the patron god of Athens. So, Poseidon created a saltwater spring, and Athena created an olive tree. The citizens and gods thought the olive tree was more useful, and so she was chosen the patron goddess of Athens. The place was kind-of named after her.

Who is the Greek god of guidance?

Athena,goddess of wisdome ,guidence,and battle stratagies. Her sacred animal is the owl. Athena was voted patron god of athens because she provided the athenions with an olive tree and that olive tree supplied athens with fresh olive oil.

Athena was named the patron goddess of Athens after defeating whom?

Athena and Poseidon competed for patronage of Athens (it had not been named at the time). Poseidon gave to them a well, and Athena gave them an olive tree. They chose Athena for her gift of the olive tree, and named the city Athens.