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Q: What did the phenitians did econimically?
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LEDC or Less Econimically Developed Country.

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What was the symbolic importance of the World Trade Center?

The World Trade Center was a visible representation of America's power econimically as well as politically.

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she was rich. she came from a very wealthy family before she married.

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to retain their culture and they did not want to be econimically taken over like china did (spheres of influence)

Why was Haiti unprepared for the earthquake?

Haiti was unprepared because it is a LEDC country, meaning it is a less econimically delevoped country. it had little money so could not afford to research much about Earthquakes and then prepare against them.

Symbolic importance of the World Trade Center?

The World Trade Center was a visible representation of America's power econimically as well as politically. My Art History Professor has always said that you can tell what a culture worships based off of what their tallest building houses. Not only did the destruction of the World Trade Center demolish the Americna symbol of advancement over other countries in the world technologically, but it also represented the heart of the American consumer culture.

What roles did geography and commerce play in the econimic and political claims of the French and British in North America?

Geography played a role due to the fact that the war itself stemmed from the trading posts which connected business of the French. Ohio Forks would just be a segment of the entire French Trading Posts. On the other hand, Britain wanted to build a trading posts in Ohio due to the fact the Forks was a major river to transport as it linked many places together. Basically, the geography led for good commerce and the two countries fought for the land which would benefit them econimically and politically - as the british needed to find more land for their overpopulated colonies.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of POOR COUNTRYS TO TNC?

what are the advantages of TNC there are many advantages and disadvantages to the LEDC (Less Econimically Developed Country.) For example, the credit crunch has hit many of the large companies in the world including the TNC's. If for a reason that it is to costly to have workers in an LEDC, then the TNC could just walk out and leave lots of unqualified workers without jobs. One advantage for the country is that the TNC will have to improve the infrastrucutre of the town e.g. roads, telecommunications, ect... And also it provides jobs for many unqualified workers who have had a poor education. The little pay gives the chance for the workers to pay the rent and for some food. You may argue that they are paid nothing much at all but it is paid regulary.

If you were writing a paper on legalizing marijuana for a speech how would you start it off want to include points of prohibition and re-stimulating our economy medical attributes etc?

It is no new thing that Marijuana has been looked frowned upon by society in general. We are speaking on which a thing is presented to be ruled legal or not legal by an agent of society that regulates to the mass society in benefit of the whole based on what has been voted on as this or that by the people that make the whole. This is the basis in which our country and our laws are founded upon. The rock and the hardened structure to our legal defenses and rights. If it is agreed upon on this previous statement then one must realize also that it is once again true that we hold the right to make it legal or not by majority decision in such. The benefits of legalisation of Marijuana can easily be seen as superior to the alledged downfalls; proven by educative inforation on topics such as mudicipal benefit and the stimulas of a new governed market to re birth growth econimically are easily shown as reconsilibly reasonable belief structure to base mind upon. Not to mention religious use for such as spiritual passage or right,ect. What we are really inspecting upon is the absurdity about governing a plant. Something that is as natural as we creatures of the earth share. A plant just as well as many others that can have a tremendous gain to society as a whole with its use. With this said, regulation and stipulation must have its place in the world and an educated outlook on this situation will prove to show that the problems we are faced with by legalisation of this plant's use in daily life are no more than we are already fighting. Except when we fight it LIVES are being lost to IMPRISONMENT and SUFFERING of lost property, a FELONY CONVICTION with possible career deprivation and loss of our CIVIL RIGHT to vote. Are these the only solutions we can attest to. Is there not another way of support for what the people of this great nation apparently want? If attention is focused now to history it can take us back to the prohibition and we have seen the sucess it brought for our governing agent and ourselves. Suffering for all. So the prihibition was lifted and regulations were placed. We as the people that are invested in such matters ask only for the same freedom permitted in other similar matters. Make it legal as it is with regulations such as driving restrictions and age requiring the minimal account of 18. It is in the better interest of our decision making abilities to focus our attention to the benificiaries of this earth biding plant and leave mind with images of what is the most constructive thing for our selves to do for our selves vs the fore spoken. Insanity has been said to be repeatedly making the same action and expecting a new result. We have seen the pain that we have caused our selves with this aoutonomous behaviour of prohibiting something natural, left unquestioned until now. Until now, when we have a choice, a choice to be free. May we all be blessed with the many fortunes that nature gives us each day. Make the natural choice. Let us use this for our betterment, the betterment of each other and one another as a whole.