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Q: What did the pirates want to do with the captured ship philadelphia?
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What did the pirates want to do with the ship Philadelphia?


What items did Hernando De Soto have on his ship that pirates would want?

lots of bananas, a zebra, and a giant watermelon

What goods did Hernando Cortes have that other pirates would want?

he had some supplies like guns and food on his ship

How is piracy a manifestation of the problems of a failed state?

Piracy applies to that because if you use the ship instead of the country the ship has no way to ensure their safety and the Pirates have firearm to enforce what they want.

What crimes did Grace O'Malley the pirate commit?

One of the things she did was kill her own crew of pirates and burn their ship.

How old was Julius Caesar when he got captured by pirates?

He was 54 years old when he got captured by the pirates. And they did not get what they want they killed him and his men. -CL- Actually, Julius is the one who kill the pirates. And he was 25 years old (born 100B.C captured 75B.C 100-75=25B.C). They captured him and they demanded 20 talents but he offered 50. They got the money. released him, then he went back and crucified them.

What does the grape shot upgrade in Sid Meier's Pirates do?

In 'Sid Meier's Pirates!', the chain shot upgrade enables you to fire grape-shot type ammunition from your ship. This ammunition is used to kill crew members on board the enemy ship. You might want to do this to either make boarding the ship easier or to slow down the enemy cannon reloading speed.

What weapons were used by pirates?

Pirates need to use weapons because they have the East India Company and the Navy after them and sometimes they run into other pirates who want to kill them too so they use weapons in self defence. Also if they come across another pirate ship that is carrying treasure then they may want to use their weapons to threaten the crew into giving the treasure to them. And if they want to kill someone then weapons be very useful, savvy?

How do you get different sails in Pirates of the Caribbean online?

well yes if your ship is not a light class ship. In that case go to a shipwright by the docks, talk to him and click upgrade. Then you can choose what you want to change whether it be the color, emblem or what the sail is made of. But remember you will need gold and ship materials for changing what the sail fabric is.

Why do pirates have guns?

Pirates have guns in order to foce people to do what they want them to do.

How do you get rid of a ship on Pirates of the Caribbean online?

If you wish to delete your ship, talk to the shipwright (he has an anchor over his head). He will ask you what you want. Click delete. It will show you your list of ships. Click where launch would be if you setting sail. It will say delete instead of launch. it will ask you if you wish to delete that ship. Click yes

Why are Elizabeth and Will not going to be in the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie?

Elizabeth could not go onto the ship with William because she was living and the ship went where the living could not go. Living humans have previously boarded the ship when Davy Jones was the captain because he was not doing the ships bidding.