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In "The Giver," the pockets on Lily's jacket represent the innocence and simplicity of childhood. They are a physical manifestation of the carefree nature of being a child before the weight of societal expectations and rules are imposed. Jonas recognizes the significance of Lily's pockets as a symbol of her youthful naivety.

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Q: What did the pockets on lillys jacket represent in the giver?
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What will lily get at the ceremony of 8 in The Giver?

a jacket with smaller buttons and pockets

In the giver by Lois Lowry what year do they receive their jacket with pockets?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, children receive their jacket with pockets at the Ceremony of Nines, when they turn nine years old. This ceremony marks their transition from childhood to the next stage of their lives in the community.

What will Lily receive at the ceremony of the eight in the giver?

Lily will receive a jacket with pockets and smaller buttons so she can carry around bigger things.

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The first sign of independence in an Eight's life in "The Giver" is when they receive their first jacket with pockets, symbolizing the responsibility and trust given to them to carry around their own personal belongings. This represents a step towards self-sufficiency and autonomy in their community.

In the book the giver What did Eights receive at the Ceremony?

They received a new jacket with pockets and smaller buttons. Also, being an eight means that they have their comfort object taken away and they start their volunteer hours.

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What do they get in the book the giver at ages six five three and two?

At age six, children in "The Giver" receive a front-buttoned jacket. At age five, they receive jackets with pockets. At age three, they receive a comfort object, which is often a stuffed animal. At age two, they receive a name.

What happened in the ceremony of sevens in the giver?

They get a jacket with buttons down the front. (:

What do the sixes get in The Giver?

In "The Giver," when children turn six, they receive a jacket with pockets and are allowed to start volunteering in the community at various jobs. This marks the beginning of their preparation for adulthood and contribution to society.

What age had jackets with small buttons and pockets in the giver?

In "The Giver," jackets with small buttons and pockets are given to children at the Ceremony of Nines, when they turn nine years old. These jackets signify the transition from childhood to adolescence and the child's new responsibilities within the community.

What did the children who became seven's get at the ceremony?

I think happiness

What happens in the ceremony of five in the giver?

Backward buttoned jacket are given out to teach the kid to learn interdependence