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Mario O'Donnell

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Q: What did the purple shovel say pink hoe?
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What did the purple shovel say to the pink hoe?

i dig you

Should you wear your strawberry blond hair in ponytail with a purple shirt or a pink shirt?

Strawberry Blonde hair goes better with pink than purple, so i'd say pink.

How do you say a purple tie in French?

You would say "une cravate violette" in French to refer to a purple tie.

What are the colors that go with purple?

I would say beige, pink or green.

Is magenta pink or purple?

Magenta is a shade of purple. An easy way to tell the difference between pink and purple is this; pink is pale red, purple is any combination of red and blue. Because magenta is between red and blue in the color circle, that makes it a purple color.

What does santa say when he is gardening?

Santa says hoe hoe hoe! ha

Whats up with pink elephants?

Pink elephants? Yes, they and purple elephants are common in jokes, so people began to say that they are real.

Where would you put a dash in this sentence The gardener took the hoe and the shovel and began to plant the flowers?

If you meant "where would you put a comma in this sentence" then i would say "The gardener took the hose and the shovel, and began to plant the flowers" There is no dash (-) in the sentence, its a comma (,) which is needed. I hope that helped.

How do you get neon purple on woozworld?

neon pink - ff0066neon green - 00ff00neon blue - BFFneon purple - 6600ffand another purpel i dont say its me SECRET

Which is better pink or purple?

There is no correct answer to this question, so anyone, anywhere, has the correct answer whether they choose pink or purple. Everyone will have the correct answer, so know need to say "your answer is wrong" to another user. We all have our various opinions. In my personal opinion, I like purple better, but you might choose pink, or agree with me! Please add your personal comment to the list of comments:List of CommentsCommon Debate: Pink or Purple?You know me! In my personal opinion, I like purple better, but you might choose pink, or agree with me! -Jonas7572I like pink better, but, that's just me. -ID1202335779I honestly like purple more... but that's me!- 250599I like both. Purple adds this really nice touch, and pink adds flair - Icecream12345

How do you say to shovel in French?

To shovel is 'pelleter' in French, from the noun 'pelle'.

How do you mix the paint color lavender?

If you mix pink and white paint together you will end up with a very pail pink. To make lavender you need mix 3/4 white, 1/8 red and 1/8 blue. Remember that red and blue will make purple. Adding purple to white will make lavender.