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She promised Edmund she would make them a Duke and Duchesses to help rule the country under his authority. She thought this would persuade him to bring them to visit her.

She did not understand that Edmund was so angry with his siblings that he did not want her to do anything for them and he was not motivated to bring them.

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The Queen of Narnia promised to make the other children kings and queens of Narnia if they followed her.

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Q: What did the queen of Narnia promise to do for the other children?
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After the battle with the White Witch, the Pevensie children become the rulers of Narnia: Peter as High King, Susan as Queen, Edmund as Duke of Lantern Waste, and Lucy as the Valiant Queen. They are known as the Kings and Queens of Narnia.

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In the Narnia movie series, the character of the White Witch, who is the antagonist and queen of Narnia, was played by Tilda Swinton in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" (2005) and Jadis (the White Witch) in "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew" (which hasn't been released yet).

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The Queen and the dwarf offered Edmund the promise of becoming a prince and eventually ruling over Narnia if he brought his siblings to them.

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Lucy the queen?

Lucy put the crown on her head in Narnia and now she is a queen

Do the Pevensie children take precedence over the other kings of Narnia in the stories preceding and following the final battle?

As to that question, nobody knows. Many people assume that King Frank and Queen Helen will take up the throne once more, and many people assume Aslan himself would reign Narnia. As with me, I remain admant that the Pevensies should continue to rule Narnia.

Who was the high queen of Narnia?

Susan Pevensie briefly served as the High Queen of Narnia alongside her siblings Peter, Edmund, and Lucy, in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." She was known for her archery skills and level-headedness.

In the book Chronicles of Narnia the witch called herself?

In the book "The Chronicles of Narnia," the witch is called the White Witch or Jadis. She is a powerful and malevolent sorceress who rules over Narnia with an iron fist before being ultimately defeated by Aslan and the Pevensie children.