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Q: What did the romans call hermes?
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What is the name of Hermes in Latin?

Mercury was given by the Romans to be their Hermes.

What is Hermes' Roman?

Hermes was his Greek name. The Romans called him Mercury.

What is Hermes the god roman name?

The Romans associated Greek god Hermes with Mercury.

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Hermes/Mercury was identified with Odin by the Romans.

What does Mercury mean in ancient Greece?

In ancient Greece Hermes was the messenger of the Gods. The roman god Mercury wasn identified with Hermes and the two are usually treated as the same Becasue of his speedy nature, his name was given to the planet Mercury in ancient times.

Who gave Hermes the name Mercury?

The ancient Romans did.

Greek name of mercury?

The Greek counterpart of Mercury was Hermes.

Is Hermes a greek or Roman god?

Greek. Romans compared him to their Mercury.

What it the name of the roman military headdress?

We would call it a helmet; the Romans would call it a "cassis".We would call it a helmet; the Romans would call it a "cassis".We would call it a helmet; the Romans would call it a "cassis".We would call it a helmet; the Romans would call it a "cassis".We would call it a helmet; the Romans would call it a "cassis".We would call it a helmet; the Romans would call it a "cassis".We would call it a helmet; the Romans would call it a "cassis".We would call it a helmet; the Romans would call it a "cassis".We would call it a helmet; the Romans would call it a "cassis".

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The winged messenger was Hermes, or Mercury to the Romans.

What is hermis name?

Hermes role as messenger of the Greek gods was recreated by the Romans as Mercury.

Mythological character with wings which fell off?

Hermes to the Greeks and as Mercury to the Romans