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Persecution because of matters of conscience.

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Q: What did the settlers have freedom from on Rhode Island?
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What colony did quakers find religious freedom?

The colony was Rhode Island. He and many of the Massachusetts settlers were apparently not content with the laws there.

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Which English colony in North America was the first to offer complete religious freedom to its settlers?

Why did the first settlers of Rhode Island come and how did they live?

They came for religious freedom and worked as farmers, foresters and fishermen.

Where were the Rhode Island settlers from?

== ==

Why did people want to go to Rhode Island?

Early settlers were allowed more religeous freedom. This became a Baptist settlement

What freedom did Rhode Island offer that other colonies did not?

Religious freedom and tolerance.

What colonies promised religious freedom?

rhode island

What was the difference between the settlers of Pennsylvania and the settlers of Rhode Ilsand?

The settlers in pennsylvania had more rights of religious tolerance then the settlers in Rhode Island

What was the reasons why the Rhode Island was founded?

people moved to Rhode Island at this time because Rhode Island was the only colony with religious freedom and was the first to allow Jews. And if you are looking for more info ot was settled in the year1636

Which colony gave full religious freedom to all settlers?

the colony of rhode island, or most of the middle colonies, were the most religiously tolerant

Where did the settlers come from in Rh-ode Island S's?

where did the settlers come from in the 1700's rhode island

Who were the first settlers in Rhode Island and why?

Roger Williams