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Q: What did the sheet of unclean animals represent in Peter's vision?
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What did peter do as a result of his vision of the sheet that violated the Jewish levitc al law?

ate unclean animals

Describe what took place in peter vision at joppa?

A sheet had fallen down from the heavens with an assortment of animals. then he heard a voice saying "rise,peter, slaughter and eat". but he refused because the animals were unclean. then a voice said "you stop calling unclean the things God had created". then the sheet arose back into the heavens

Who was the principal drafter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - a vision of how the world should be?

John Peters Humphrey

What type of animals have binocular vision?

Nocturn animals

How significant is it that the Apostle Peter had a confirmation of 3's in his vision of the sheet with unclean animals whilst Paul did not have any confirmation of 3's in his vision going to Damascus?

There is no biblical significance for the number three in the Scripture except as a repetitive emphasis on a matter and a significant amount of time to do something. Biblical numerologists will have another opinion for every number.

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Can animals lose their vision?

yes they can

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What is nocturnal vision?

Nocturnal Vision is the sight of animals and creatures at night time.

Groups of animals that have UV vision?

re about animals, but i know bees and butterflies do........

What is dichromatic vision?

Dichromatic vision is the ability for an animal to distinguish colors in dim light. It is the evolution of the basal mode of vision in animals.

How do animals survive by hunting in the dark?

They have night vision