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the constitution

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Q: What did the south believe would protect their rights during the civil war?
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The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments and serves to protect civil liberties?

civil rights

Civil rights laws are laws to protect who?

the rights of minorities from discrimination PLATO

Who was the president during the civil rights movement?

The president during the Civil Rights Movement was John F Kennedy :)

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What 1959 law helped protect the civil rights of african americans in ohio?

That would be the Ohio Civil Rights Act of 1959.

What rights did Black Americans not have during the Civil Right movement?

They had all rights because they were given to them by their Creator and not by any government. Their rights were not being protected by the government who's sole purpose is to protect our rights. The government failed them and had to be changed.

What reasons did the US government give for suspending various rights during the Civil War?

The Union was at war and to protect people rights had to be suspended. The confederates had spies and were willing to take over the government. Lincoln had to protect the structure of the government and to do what was needed.

What Constitutional guarantees protect every citizen from unfair treatment by the government or individuals?

wezzles says: civil rights

What refers to rights that are guaranteed by the law while what generally refers to affirmative action taken by the government to protect the rights of a specific population?

Civil liberties, civil rights

What act passed by congress to protect the voting rights of blacks in the south?

civil rights act 1866

What other groups have turned to the Supreme Court to protect their Civil Rights?

Bill of Rights and The Fourteenth Amendment.

Why does Leonard Pitts believe his sons should visit the battleground of the civil rights movement?

Why does Leonard Pitts believe his sobs should visit the batleground of the civil rights movement