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They called it the confederate army but I don't know who was the president

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Q: What did the southern states call their new country and who was it's president?
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What did southern states call their new country and who was its president?

They called it the confederate army but I don't know who was the president

What did the southern states call '' new '' country?

The Confederate States of America.

What did the southern states call their own nation when Lincoln became president?

The Confederacy

What did the southern state call their new country and who was the president?

They called it the confederate army but I don't know who was the president

What four states joined the Confederacy when President Lincoln issued a call for seventy five thousand volunteers to crush the Southern rebellion?

When US President Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to help end the Southern rebellion, four more Southern states joined the Confederacy. These were the states of Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee. The Confederacy now was composed of eleven states.

What southern states call themselves?

The Confederate States of America.

What did the southern states call their country during the civil war?

Confederates, Rebels, Rebs, Johnny Rebs, Secessionists,

What did they call the southern states when they secede?


What did the southern states call themsleves?

The Confederate States of America (CSA)

What did the southern states call themselves when they seceded from the Unoin?

The Confederate States of America

What does a president of a country call the president of foreign countries?

They still call them the president, example: Barack Obama would call Michael D Higgins (Irish president) president Higgins or the president of Ireland. 😊

What did the southern states call for after Abraham Lincoln's election?

cessetion from the union >:(