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They built colonies and missions.

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Q: What did the spanish build in the Americas?
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How did Spanish explore and build an empire in the Americas?

They wanted wealth

What did the Spanish colonist build in the Americas to help convert people to Catholicism?


What did the Spanish colonists build in the Americas?

What did the first Spanish settlers in the West build there?

Did the Spanish colonists build religious settlements called missions in the Americas?

Yes in the Southwest and California.

When was Spanish colonization of the Americas created?

Spanish colonization of the Americas was created in 1525.

When did Spanish colonization of the Americas end?

Spanish colonization of the Americas ended in 1821.

What country challenge Spanish power in the Americas?

Both Britain and France challenged Spanish power in the Americas.

Why were most of the Spanish drawn to the Americas?

Gold was known to exist in the Americas.

When did the Spanish begin to explore the Americas?

In 1492, with the arrival of Columbus in the Americas.

Why did the Spanish invade the Americas.?

the spanish invaded the aztecs because they thought that there was gold there, and they wanted the land so they could build their empire. also, they thought that there was alot of things they could take from the aztecs to make them richer.

Major characteristics of the Spanish Empire in the Americas?

major and largest empire in the Americas

Why were Africans brought to Spanish colonies in the Americas?

They were brought to the Americas for slavery.