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The tattoo was their prison number which was used like their names. However, contrary to a widespread misconception, tattooed numbers were only used in the Auschwitz group of camps.

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Q: What did the tattood information on Jews in concentration camps stand for?
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What steps did the Germans take to deport the Jews to concentration camps?

They were taken from their homes and transported in cattle cars (where they had to stand) to the concentration camps.

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Hitler ordered that any Jew-sympathizers would be treated the same way as the Jews and sent them off to Concentration Camps.

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In concentration camps during the Holocaust did soldiers strip prisoners naked then make them stand in freezing water until their hands froze then beat their hands until they broke?

Yes for the first part, no for the second.

When were Nazi concentration camps found?

Nazi concentration camps were initially established in Germany in 1933 after Hitler came to power. However, the first concentration camp, Dachau, was officially opened in March 1933. Over the course of the Nazi regime, numerous concentration camps were set up across Germany and occupied territories, with the largest and most infamous being Auschwitz-Birkenau, established in 1940-1941.

What were concentration camps and what happend ther?

There were Klooga,Vaivara,Treblinka,Sobibor,Chelmno,Belzec,Majdanek,Auschwitz,Plaszow,Neuengamme,Stutthof,Bergen-Belsen,Ravensbruck,Gross Rosen, Sachsenhausen,Mittelbau Dora,Flossenberg,Dachau,Buchenwald,Natzweiler,Mauthausen,Gospic,Jasenovac,and Sajmiste. I'm sure there are probably more but these were the known camps and were the worst there probably could be.

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What was the process of killing Jew prisoners?

There were 2 different ways. In concentration camps sometimes the would be told to take a shower and they would put poison gas in there.Other times they just killed them by telling them to stand in front of the hole and they would shoot them in the back of their heads.

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i think because of the stand

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Area of concentration

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Anne Frank's purpose was to stand up against the persecution of Jewish people during the Holocaust by sharing her experiences through her diary. It was not easy for her, as she and her family lived in hiding for over two years, facing constant fear and hardship before being discovered and sent to concentration camps.