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I doubt that the terracotta warriors were modelled on individual living warriors. As models, they would look the same when dug up as when they were originally buried.

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Q: What did the terracotta warriors look like before they died?
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What is the terracotta made of?

Terracotta is baked clay, kind of like flower pots and roof tiles. The terracotta warriors are made of clay.

What is the terracotta worriers made of?

Terracotta is baked clay, kind of like flower pots and roof tiles. The terracotta warriors are made of clay.

Why are they called Terracotta Warriors?

Because they are warrior-like statues made of terracotta (a kind of clay). Actually, they were modelled after the best soldiers of Qin Shihuang. However, 'terracotta warriors', 'terracotta soldiers' or 'terracotta army' are all general terms, their full name is 'Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang' since they are called '秦始皇兵马俑' in Chinese.

How do the Chinese people view the terracotta warriors?

They go to see them in the pit in which they were originally placed. The pit is now covered by a large shed like building, it is very impressive and gives a good view of the warriors.

Why did the emperor want so many terracotta warriors?

All the special items didn't satisfy Qin, so he built a big terracotta army that protected his tomb for eternity, like his flesh-and-blood troops that defended him for his lifetime.

Why was there no written record of the Terracotta Warriors?

There possibly were written records originally. However, remember this happened over 2,000 years ago and China has had many rulers and governing systems in that time. -More pointedly , take a look at how terrorist groups like Taliban and ISIS are NOW eradicating history .

How long did it take to find the terracotta warriors?

well they were found in 1974 by 7 farmers digging a well in china. the emperor made the soldiers in about 220 bc so like 2030 years. :)

What did Qin Shihuang do with the Terracotta Army?

He ordered to build the Terracotta Army as his tomb guard in accordance with the appearance of his elite soldiers.

What are terracotta worriors?

They were an army of clay statues made for an Asian emperor to protect him in the afterlife I think

How was the Terracotta Army formed?

The Terracotta Army was formed by the first emporer. The first Emporer formed the army to protect his tomb, in which it took 11 years to build all these warrios standing in battle formation. The Terracotta Warriors purpose was to stand in front of the tomb and look like actual life size people guarding the tomb, "to protect the tomb" this scared of approchers, but some approchures didnt fall for this trick and stole some of the weapons, photographs, and sentimental valuables.

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