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Americans Like South Koreans.

So we will simply get involved.

we already have American Troops in South Korea

trying to prevent North Korea from Attacking south Korea.

Im guessing if N Korea tries attacking South Korea.. Then America and south Korea Will fight the North Koreans.

North Korea Mainly Hates South Koreans.

Meaning South Korea can be attacked at any moment.

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Q: What did the us do when north Korea invaded south Korea?
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Why did the US invade the Korean peninsula?

To restore South Korea after it had been invaded by North Korea. The US invaded Korea twice. The first time was in 1945 when the US and the USSR agreed to invade the Korean Peninsula to defeat the ruling Japanese. The USSR invaded from the north and, as agreed, stopped at the 38th parallel. The US invaded from the south and stopped at the same line. The second time, in 1950, the US only invaded North Korea. The Republic of Korea (South Korea) requested US assistance, so when the US entered South Korea it was by invitation, not invasion. The invasion of North Korea was part of the objective of eliminating the North Korean ability to effectively re-invade South Korea.

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South Korea to settle the republic of Korea

When did Korean war start?

June 1950The North and South Koreans began fighting along their border in 1949. Other countries joined in 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea.I don't know, can anyone please tell me!!! :('50-'53the US invaded South Korea

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Part of the cold war; the North invaded the South.

Why did the US become involoed in the Korean war?

belief south korea had unjustly been invaded by north korea without provocation

What does US have against North Korea?

They invaded South Korea, the people are starving and have famine. No freedom a basic US ideal, North Korea's diplomacy is unpredictable and radical. and if you want to be more specific with your question please do.

How were North and South Korea divided?

It's because of wars. I think it's when the Chinese invaded Korea and when the U.S. army helped us

What year did US troops have to be sent to South Korea because it was invaded by North Korea?

1950. because the war broke out on June25, 1950.

Who was president of the US when north Korea invaded south Korea?

During the Korean War, the President of the United States was Harry S. Truman.

How was us policy toward France and Vietnam affected after communist north Korea invaded south Korea in June 1950?

pffft, do your Odyssey Ware

Why did the US become involved in the Korean wars?

Because if the North over ran/took over the south there would have been another Communist country to worry about. also North were killing innocent people. remember THE UN / alot of nations were involved in Protecting the South Korea had been invaded in WWII by the Japenese. US forces occupied part of Korea helping the South Koreans recover from WWII. When North Korea invaded South Korea US forces assisted in their defense until UN Forces arrived as well as more US Military aid.

Who wins the Korean war?

The Korean war was actually a draw. Basically the war went like this: North Korea (communist) invaded South Korea (democratic) and almost won so the US came in to help South Korea Then the US and South Korea then almost won the war so China interceeded on behalf of North Korea and drove the US and South Korea back to the 38th parellel. There the war stalled out for awhile and eventually a peace treaty was signed between the US and China, not by either Korea. Technically North and South Korea are still at war, it just isn't a shooting war.