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Mastery of the Mississippi from source to mouth - exclusive use of this important military highway, isolation of all Confederate units to the west of the river, and the end of the war in the West.

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Q: What did the victories at Vicksburg and port Hudson provide for the North?
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What were 3 victories for the north?

Antietam Vicksburg Gettysburg

What was 5 victories did the north have?

Shiloh Antietam Vicksburg Gettysburg Chattanooga

3 victories for the north civil war?

Gettysburg Vicksburg Chattanooga

The fall of this town led to Union control of the Mississippi River?

This would be the siege of Vicksburg. This battle was an important part of the war for the north because it started out a train of victories.

What were some stuff the north beat the south in?

The battle of Gettysburg and The Battle of Vicksburg are two very important victories for the North. They were won by Meade and Grant, respectively.

What happened at union victories at Vicksburg and port Hudson?

in both indstances, the confederate armies were declared victorious by a delegation of foreign ministers assembled by the Committee of Delegate Assembly. Because the North had already won so many battles, the south was given these two just to make things fair.

What are the names of the battle victories won by the north in the US Civil War?

The major ones were Shiloh, Vicksburg, New Orleans, Murfreesboro, Gettysburg, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Mobile, Petersburg.

What is the importance of events at Vicksburg and Gettysburg?

They were a series of battles that resulted in southern defeat. Gettysburg hugly impacted both the north and south for its large amount of deaths. These victories for the north was a huge factor in the civle war. Josh Bez

Why was the city of Vicksburg so important to both the north and south during the civil war?

Because the defensive strongholds of Vicksburg and Porto Hudson prevented the Union from gaining the full control of the River Mississippi, while their conquest would meant the splitting of the Confederacy into two parts.

What military aragment ended on same day during civil war?

The two Union victories at Vicksburg and Gettysburg happened on the same day. Vicksburg liberated the Mississippi, and ended the war in the West. Gettysburg was Lee's last chance of invading the North. That day (July 4h 1863) is taken as the turn of the tide.

What did the north call the battle of Vicksburg?

The called it the Battle of Vicksburg, though, it was actually a siege.

Why did the Union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg mark a turning point in the war?

Vicksburg ended the war in the West, freeing-up Grant to go to the aid of the Army of the Cumberland in Chattanooga. Gettysburg marked the failure of Lee's second and last atempt to invade the North, in search of much-needed food and clothing, as well as possible recognition by the British.