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Q: What did theodora mean when she said Royal purple makes the best burial sheet?
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What colour makes when purple mix with purple?

I believe any color mixed with itself makes itself. So purple mixed with purple makes purple.

Is burial of sediment which makes the igneous rocks?

Burial of sediment does not make igneous rock.

What with purple makes blue?

Nothing, but blue and red makes purple.

Does red and green make purple?

No, it makes brown. Red and blue makes purple.

What event makes Antigone so upset?

The issuing of a royal decree that contradicts the will of the gods by not respecting her brother Polyneices' god given rights to below ground burial and funeral services is what upsets Antigone.

What paint makes purple?


What did Justinians wife encourage?

Theodora encouraged her husband Justinian I and his officials not to abandon Constantinople after failing to control the Nika riots which gripped the city. Justinian created set one rioting faction against the other and then sent his troops led by two generals to suppress the riots. It was said that 30,000 people were killed. Theodora said that it is better to die as a ruler than living in exile. She was quoted as saying: "Those who have worn the crown should never survive its loss. Never will I see the day when I am not saluted as empress" and "Royalty is a fine burial shroud," or Purple makes a fine winding sheet." Purple was the imperial colour.Theodora also protected and encouraged the Miaphysites, a dissident Christian doctrine. despite Justinian's support of the official Christian doctrine which was opposed to these dissidents.

What makes purple diamonds purple?

Purple diamonds become purple every year when a new president is elected

The symbolism used in Theodora and Her Attendants?

In the mosaic of Theodora and Her Attendants, Theodora is often portrayed in rich attire and standing as a figure of power and authority. The use of colors such as purple and gold symbolize her imperial status and wealth. The attendants surrounding her may represent themes like loyalty, support, and the hierarchy of the court.

What makes crimson?

crimson makes purple and red

What color and purple makes dark blue?

Purple+red=dark blue

What does pink and purple?

i think pink and purple and blue makes a cool cooler