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a club !

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Q: What did theseus take from the first man he killed?
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Where did Theseus get his club?

Theseus got his club from the first man he killed.

Theseus took what from the first man he killed?

Theseus killed the bandit, the "clubber"Periphetes, who beat his opponents into the Earth, and took from him the stout staff that often identifies Theseus in vase-paintings.

What is the name of monster killed by theseus?

The Minotaur, a creature with the body of a man and the head of a bull.

Is THeseus a god?

theseus is not a god Theseus is a hero and he the the man who killed the minotaur and found his way out of the labyrinth with daedalus's help

Did the Minotaur have a wife?

No; it was half man half bull. It did not have a wife before it was killed by the hero Theseus.

Who did theseus kill?

Theseus killed Periphetes, the club bearer. He killed the robber Sinis who tied travelers to trees bent down to the ground. He killed a robber called Sciron. He stopped a year-King called Cercyon refused to be sacrificed. He also killed Procrustes who had a bed that if you didn't fit it, he chopped off their feet or stretched them. But Theseus is most famous for killing the Minotaur.

Is Theseus a demigod?

Yes he is a Hero! Theseus has no divine parentage. He is just a heroic man.

What is a minataur?

A minotaur was a very ugly creature with the head of a bull on the body of a man. The minotaur was eventually killed by the Athenian hero called Theseus in the 20th century.

Who was the first man killed in Sweeney Todd?

In the 2007 movie, the first man Sweeney killed was Adolfo Pirelli

According to legend a young warrior killed a bull-like creature known as the theseus?

According to legend, Theseus killed the Minotaur, a bull-like creature with the body of a man and head of a bull. He accomplished this feat by navigating the labyrinth of Crete, with the help of Princess Ariadne's thread.

What is a minotuar?

A minotaur is a mythical beast of Greek mythology that has the head of a bull and the body of a man. The creature lived in the Cretan Labyrinth where it was offered human sacrifices. The minotaur was killed by Theseus.

Was crispus atticus the first man killed in the Boston massacre?

Crispus Attucks was the first person killed at the Boston Massacre. He is also said to be the first death of the American Revolution.