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Q: What did women do when men went to fight in World War 2 war?
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Why did women play baseball during World War 2?

when the men went off to fight in the war somebody had to take their places in the major the women did it

Who worked while people went to fight in World War 1?

Women took over most of the jobs that men had.

How old did women have to be to fight during worl war 2?

In World War Two it was not socially acceptable for women to fight, so no women were soldiers.

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Why were women in World War 2?

Women that were in World War 2 did not fight in the war. The women did many of the other types of jobs such as being nurses and driving vehicles.

Did women want to fight in World War 2?

Some women did fight in World War 2. Some were nurses, some had desk jobs, and some were spies. Some were just women in the line of fire.

What year did nicholas the second go to fight in ww1?

He went to fight in World War I in 1915.

Who took over jobs in factories in World War I?

If you mean when all the men went off to fight in the war, then men who were not eligible to go and women took over. Otherwise they closed.

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Did any woman fight in world war 2?

Yes many Women fought in world war 2.

Who replaced men as they left for World War 2?

Most work in occupations such as factory work, was done by men. When they left to go fight the war, there was a large increase in women who went to work in these factories. This helped lead to an increase in women workers, and a shift in the social status of women after the war.

How did Texans contribute to World War 1 and 2?

Texans, like all the states in America, contributed any way they could. Men went off to fight the war, women went to work in war industry jobs, and children gathered materials to be recycled for war use.