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Romeo did not receive the message about Juliet's faked death from Friar Laurence, which led to tragic misunderstandings and ultimately their untimely deaths.

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Q: What didn't Romeo not receive from friar Laurence?
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Where does romeo meet friar Laurence?

Friar Laurence is Romeo's confidant, and the play suggests Romeo has known him since he was very young as it implies that the Friar is a religious leader. Friar Laurence is to Romeo; what the nurse is to Juliet.

What does Romeo tell Friar Laurence and what does he want from Friar?

Romeo asks friar Laurence to marry him and Juliet in secret

Why doesn't Romeo receive Friar Laurences message?

Romeo fails to receive Friar Laurence's message due to the epidemic occurring in the city. Friar Laurence gets quarantined and is unable to bring the letter to Romeo.

Who goes to Friar Laurence to receive what?

Juliet goes to see friar Laurence to get the drink that will make her look dead but she is really sleeping so that she can escape and go away with romeo

What language does Friar Laurence use in his greeting to romeo?

Friar Laurence greets Romeo in English in William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet."

Which friar married Romeo and Juliet?

Friar Laurence married off Romeo and Juliet.

Frair who marries Romeo to Juliet?

Friar Laurence is the friar who marries Romeo and Juliet.

Who married Juliet and romeo?

Friar Lawrence married Romeo and Juliet in his cell.

Why did romeo not receive friar Laurence's message concering juliet's death?

friar john couldn't get through the gates or something so he came back

Why doesn't Romeo ever receive friar Laurence's letter?

He doesn't get it because Friar John, the courier, got sidetracked and was quarantined in a plague house.

How does friar Laurence criticize Romeo?

Friar Laurence criticizes Romeo for his impulsive and reckless behavior. He believes Romeo is too hasty in his decisions, particularly when it comes to matters of the heart. The Friar cautions Romeo to be more patient and thoughtful in his actions.

Who did friar Laurence confess to at the end?

Friar Laurence confesses to Friar John at the end of Romeo and Juliet. He reveals the truth about his role in the tragic events that led to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.