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Q: What diet substances cause anemia?
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What kind of diet could possibly cause anemia?

A diet that is lacking in iron can be a cause of anemia. Be sure to eat lots of green leafy vegetables, beans and other sources of protein like lean meat.

Can malt cause anemia?

Malt (maltose sugar) is not a cause of anemia. An unbalanced diet that consists mostly of malted beverages such as beer and malted milkshakes is likely to not provide enough iron to prevent anemia.

A deficiency in which nutritional substances obtained from the diet can cause an anemia?

The dietary insufficiency that causes anemia is a lack of iron. To correct this a person needs to take iron supplements or eat more foods that are high in iron like bran, grains, seeds, tomatoes and liver.

How do you manage anemia?

Caring for anemia depends on the underlying cause of the anemia. Therefore, determining the cause of anemia is very important. For example, iron-deficiency anemia occurs if the diet is too low in iron. Iron is an essential component of the hemoglobin in red blood cells that carries oxygen. Iron-deficiency anemia can also occur if the GI tract has a problem with absorbing the iron in the diet. Another cause of anemia is vitamin B12 deficiency. Again, vitamin B12 deficiency can occur if the diet is too low in vitamin B12, or if your body has a problem absorbing it. Anemia can also occur if there is kidney disease, since the kidney normally makes a hormone, erythropoietin, which tells your body to make red blood cells. In summary, caring for anemia requires identifying the cause of anemia and then resolving the underlying cause.

Do ascaris cause anemia?

no,ascaris don't cause anemia

What cause pernicious anemia?

Pernicious Anemia is caused by a lack of intrinsic factor (usually). There can be other causes, such as infection, surgery, medicines taken, or diet.

What causes anemia, and what is a good diet to follow with it?

Anemia is a conditon that occurs when your body is suffering from iron deficiency. You should ask your doctor for ideas on a diet that will improve your condition. I found that the Livestrong site offers diet information for those suffering from Anemia.

What is the most common cause of anemia?

The most common cause of anemia is blood loss.

What anemia is related to a diet that is low in fresh fruit and vegetables?

Folic acid deficiency anemia

Is diabetes related to anemia?

No. Diabetes is when your blood sugar is low. Anemia is when your deprived of iron in your diet.

How is Sideroblastic Anemia caught?

Sideroblastic anemia can be inherited, but the disease is usually acquired as a result of illness or exposure to toxic substances.

Do rottweilers get anemia?

Sure if it has a very poor diet.