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Q: What differences did the discovery of pasteurization make?
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Can you make a sentence with pasteurization?

yes we can make the pasteurization sentence, when we use the tense then u can make the sentence with pasteurization.

What are the accomplishments Louis Pasteur did?

he is a chemist and biologist whose discovery that fermentation is caused by microorganisms resulted in the process of pasteurization

What is the process of pasteurization and its purpose?

The process of pasteurization is the heating of liquids for the purpose of destroying bacteria, protozoa, molds and yeasts. The purpose of pasteurization is to make products such as milk safe to drink.

What did the french discover?

French discoveries include the process of pasteurization by Louis Pasteur, the discovery of radium by Marie Curie, and the discovery of the HIV virus by Luc Montagnier and Françoise Barré-Sinoussi.

How does pasteurisation make milk last longer?


What was previously used before the discovery of pasteurization?

I know that people just dealt with it and drank the milk right away au revoir idk hhahahhaha

What did Louis Pasteur discover with a microscope?

His first discovery with the microscope was of bacteria in French wines that were turning them into vinegar, ruining them. This led to his development of Pasteurization, which saved the French wine industry. He later went on to make many other discoveries.

How was pasteurization first done?

how is pasteurization made?

What did Darwin's discovery of fossils make him start to think about?

DarwinÕs discovery of fossils made him think about the differences and similarities between what he found and the creatures of today. He felt that there was a pattern to the way things changed over time.

Why does pasteurization make milk last longer?

dont know because i only questoned this

Who developed the pasteurization?

Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard developed pasteurization.

Is pasteurization chemical or physical change?

Pasteurization involve chemical reactions.