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Q: What different builds are there for humans?
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Of course it does. If walking builds muscle then walking at an incline builds muscle. Different muscles will be worked at different angles.

How can humans building a drainage system affect the water cycle?

When someone builds a drainage system it effects the water cycle is a couple different ways. It can make water transport to new places and humans could pollute the water system even more.

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An animal that looks like a wasp and builds its home from mud is called a mud dauber. They are generally harmless to humans but will sting when they feel threatened.

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The pastor of the Church that builds such a school, or the Bishop, or the religious Order (depending on who builds it) chooses the name for different reasons.

How are rabbits and humans different?

Rabbits and humans are different because rabbits hop and humans walk.

What animal builds den with piles of sticks?

The animal that builds a den with piles of sticks is called a fox. There are approximately 37 different species of fox.

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What the name of an engineer that builds stuff?

There are a variety of different fields you can take in order to be and engineer who builds stuff. You can check out electrical engineering if you're interested in doing that.

Why is gravity weak?

It is because it builds up on different things and if they are not there it gets weaker!

How can building a drainage system affect the water cycle?

When someone builds a drainage system it effects the water cycle is a couple different ways. It can make water transport to new places and humans could pollute the water system even more.

Who builds water tanks?

There are companies that do this for the plumbing trade. There will be different companies in every country.

Why do humans not have the same genetic information as someone else?

the genetic coding of humans is different. thats why chimpanzee is different from humans. as simple as that.