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well, I don't know too much, but they will have problems with gross and fine motor skills on the LEFT side of their body, such as walking with their left leg, and if they are a lefty (like me) they will have trouble writing.

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Q: What difficulties may a person have who has damage to the right side of their brain?
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The damage would have occurred on the left side of the brain.

What damage will be caused by swelling of the right side of the brain?

Will not only cause pressure and damage to that side of the brain, the left side of the brain will also be pushed up against the hard surface of the skull, causing damage to the left side of the brain as well.

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Damage to the left side of the brain can lead to weakness on the right side of the body. This is because the left side of the brain controls the movements of the right side of the body.

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A focal lesion on the temporal lobe refers to an abnormality or damage in a specific area of the temporal lobe of the brain. This can result from various causes such as tumors, infections, strokes, or traumatic brain injuries, and can affect functions such as memory, language, and emotions depending on the location and extent of the lesion. Treatment and outcomes depend on the underlying cause and extent of the lesion.

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A stroke where the left side of the brain was blocked. The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, so any damage to it would affect the right side of the body

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yes you can cos Ur brain cant control it can control Ur heart just not Ur body tempure or sugar or anything a normal person can and i no that cuz my uncle is in the hospital right now and that's what the doctor told me

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Martha S. Burns has written: 'Clinical management of right hemisphere dysfunction' -- subject(s): Brain, Brain damage, Cerebral dominance, Chronic Brain Damage, Communicative disorders, Complications, Etiology, Handbooks, Localization of functions, Therapy

What hemisphere of the brain would be able to retrieve a person's name from memory?

The brain's right hemisphere controls non-visual memory, and the retention of non-visual information, so the right hemisphere of the brain would be the one that would be involved with the retrieval of a person's name from his or her memory.

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Blood is supplied to the brain. Too much of a blood supply to the brain could lead to damage and too little blood flow can result in strokes. Nasal bleeding is usually caused by polyps or trauma.?æ

Does left or right handers have faster reflexes?

A right handed person has to send a signal from the right side of the brain to the left side before the signal is sent to the body. A left handed person gets the signal direcly on the left side of the brain, therby left handed person have slightly faster reflexes.