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Q: What directional term describes the heart to the abdominal aorta?
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What is the thickest artery in the body?

abdominal aorta actually the ascending and descending aorta from the heart is slightly larger...the abdominal is just a continuation of that vessel.

What vessels that carry blood from aorta to kidneys?

The abdominal aorta carries blood from the heart to the kidneys.

What aorta turns inferiorly behind the heart?

The descending aorta.The aorta is divided in ascending, aortic arch, descending, thoracic, and abdominal.

Portion of the aorta in the abdomen?

There are actually more than one portion of the aorta that is in the abdominopelvic cavity. The left ventricle and thoracic aorta of the heart lead to the abdominal aorta which begins at the diaphragm. The abdominal aorta first branches into the inferior phrenic and celiac arteries, superior mesenteric and middle suprarenal arteries, renal and gonadal arteries, lumbar artery, inferior mesenteric artery, and the median sacral and common iliac arteries. From there, the artery splits to form the two common iliac arteries that carry blood to the legs.

What is mild ectasia of the abdominal aorta?

Ectasia of the abdominal aorta is when the aorta (the large artery in the body that brings fresh blood from the heart to the rest of the body) in the abdomen (area of the body below the chest and above the waist and holds body organs like the stomach and bowels) is dilated or enlarged. Mild ectasia is a reference term to describe how big the dilation of the aorta in the abdomen is.

What is the renal artery?

one of the pair of large blood vessels that branch off from the abdominal aorta (the abdominal portion of the major artery leading from the heart) and enter into each kidney.

What does the dorsal aorta do?

The abdominal aorta provides oxygenated blood and nutrients to the lower half of the bodyThe abdominal aorta is the final section of the largest artery in the body. It supplies oxygenated blood to the abdominal organs, pelvic organs, and the legs.

What is the difference between the ascending aorta and the thoracic aorta?

The ascending aorta extends from the aortic root (which connects the aorta to the heart), upwards toward the aortic arch. The thoracic aorta is one of two parts of the descending aorta, which extends back down towards the abdomen after the aortic arch. The thoracic aorta is the part of the descending aorta that is above the diaphragm, while the abdominal aorta is below the diaphragm.

Where is that the thoracic cavity in relation to abdominal pelvic cavity?

Those in the Thoracic Cavity are the heart and lungs. ' The Abdominal Cavity holds the digestive organs.

What are the subdivisions of the aorta?

The aorta is one vessel that can be conceptualized in six parts: The aortic root: connects the aorta to the left ventricle. The coronary arteries emerge from this part. Ascending aortia: Moving away from the heart towards the neck. Aortic arch: the aorta turns at this point to descend towards the rest of the body. Branches to the brain and upper extremities branch away here. Descending aorta: extends down the back and divides into the common iliac arteries. The portion above the diaphragm is the thoracic aorta, the portion below the diagram is the abdominal aorta.

What system of the body does the descending aorta belong to?

The aorta is part of the circulatory system. It is the largest artery in the body and leads from the heart down through the abdomen and splits into smaller blood vessels that feed the lower half of the body (such as the femoral arteries).

Trace blood flow from heart to spleen?

Aortic arch to descending thoracic aorta to abdominal aorta to celiac trunk to splenic artery