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The Vietcong were a light infantry force, primarily used for guerrilla warfare. They had virtually no heavy equipment and no navy or air force. Like most guerrilla forces, they had virtually no training in infantry tactics, and poor leadership.

They were used by the main North Vietnamese Army to harass the ARVN and US forces, and to conduct politically-oriented actions against South Vietnamese citizens. The Vietcong's primary value was to provide the illusion of a threat to the ARVN and US forces, and to be a large political lever to use against the South Vietnamese government.

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Q: What disadvantages did the Vietcong have in the Vietnam War?
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VC were "communists" living in SOUTH Vietnam.

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They are still there they were the victors in the war with the US and now rule Vietnam.

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The tactic used was guerrilla warfare.

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It was because the war was unpopular with the american people, the U.S did win conflicts in vietnam, but the vietcong/NVA had a lot more stategic advantages like tunnels, spies, and knowledge of the land. Pretty much after the TET offensive by the Vietcong the U.S began to leave the country.

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