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Anthropometry is a discipline that focuses on the measurement of the physical properties of the human body, such as height, weight, proportions, and other dimensions. It is used in various fields like ergonomics, exercise science, and forensic anthropology to understand human variation and develop appropriate design solutions.

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Q: What discipline studies the physical forms of people?
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What is a scientist who studies fossils?

A scientist who studies fossils is called a paleontologist. They analyze fossils to understand past life forms, their environments, and evolutionary history.

What two kinds of human forms do physical anthropologists study?

Physical anthropologists study both the biological and cultural aspects of the human form. Biological anthropology focuses on the evolution, variation, and adaptation of humans and their ancestors, while cultural anthropology focuses on human societies, their beliefs, practices, and customs.

What are three examples of bad conditions faced by enslaved Africans?

Brutal physical punishments such as whipping, branding, and mutilation were common forms of discipline. Insufficient food and poor living conditions resulted in malnutrition and disease among enslaved Africans. Families were often separated through sale, causing emotional trauma and disrupting social bonds.

What does a physical anthropologist study?

Physical anthropologists study human evolution, variation, and adaptation by examining biological traits such as skeletal remains, DNA analysis, and primate behavior. They also investigate how humans have adapted to different environments and stressors throughout history. Additionally, physical anthropologists explore the relationship between biology and culture in shaping human societies.


Negritos refer to various ethnic groups in Southeast Asia who have distinct physical characteristics, such as dark skin and curly hair. They are traditionally hunter-gatherers and have faced marginalization and discrimination in the countries where they reside. Negritos have rich cultural traditions, including music, dance, and art forms that reflect their unique heritage.

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Which discipline studies the physical forms of people?


What are the early forms of prison discipline?

Early forms of prison discipline included physical punishments such as beatings, floggings, and hard labor. Solitary confinement and deprivation of food or water were also used as methods of discipline in early prisons. These harsh disciplinary measures were believed to deter inmates from committing further crimes.

What religion lies on beds of nails and stare at the sun?

Non ! Possibly the closest you could get are Indian Yogis , Ascetics , Medicants , partaking of austere forms of physical discipline

Which kind of scientist studies all life forms?

A biologist studies all life forms.

What scientists studies microscopic forms of life?

A microbiologist studies microscopic forms of life.

What do you call a person that studies forms of life?

The person who studies the way of life is called a paleontologist.

Kind of science that studies all forms of matter?

The study of matter (solids, liquids, and gasses) falls under the category of physical science.

What is the Martial Arts discipline that's fit to based among Women?

Many martial arts forms are practiced by women. Which form suits a partuclar woman best would be determined by her interests and her physical condition.

Who studies earth's land forms?

A Geomorphologist.

One who studies crystal forms?


Who studies all forms life?


What is the noun of discipline?

The word discipline is a noun as well as a verb; for example: Noun: Athletes learn discipline to complete tedious training routines. Noun: He runs his business with strict military discipline. Verb: If students can discipline themselves, they can complete their work quickly. The noun forms for the verb to discipline are discipliner, one who disciplines; and the gerund, disciplining.