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Krakauer's discovery that his father had been involved in a sexual assault case, which his father handled poorly, intensified the friction in their relationship. This incident challenged Krakauer's perception of his father and their relationship, leading to increased tension between them.

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Q: What discovery intensified the friction in krakauer's relationship with his father?
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What is the relationship between the type and the amount of friction?

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Because the size is a kintec force on it

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The relationship between friction and the efficiency of a machine is when friction increases, efficiency decreases, and vice versa. That is why you can never have 100% efficiency, because there is always at least a little friction. They are inversely proportional, meaning, higher friction equals less efficiency.

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Yes. Without sliding friction or rolling friction, we would not be able to walk. It is the relationship between gravity, friction, and mass.

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There is no simple relationship. However, the general tendency is that rougher surfaces have a greater coefficient of friction.