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the constitution

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Q: What discribed how territories gain the right to selfgovernment and statehood?
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Why did senator Stephen Douglas introduce the Kansas Nebraska act?

The main purpose of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was to give voters in each of the two territories the right to vote on whether slavery would be allowed before the territories applied for statehood.

If delhi is a union territory why does it have a cM?

Delhi and Puducherry are the only union territories of India, which have been given partial statehood according to Seventh Schedule of the Constitution in which Delhi is defined as National Capital Territory of India or NCT-Delhi. Due to this special right of partial statehood, unlike other union territories which are governed by special administrators appointed by the President of India, governments of Delhi and Puducherry both are headed by their respective chief ministers

Who encouraged Wyoming to join statehood?

Territorial Governor Frances E. Warren encouraged statehood. John A. Campbell, territorial governor, signed the bill giving Wyoming women the right to vote which helped Wyoming qualify for statehood by having enough residents. Territorial Governor Thomas Moonlight first supported statehood, then opposed it. Delegate to Congress Joseph M. Carey, also backed statehood.

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Governor Frances E. Warren encouraged statehood. John A. Campbell, territorial governor, signed the bill giving Wyoming women the right to vote which helped Wyoming qualify for statehood by having enough residents. Territorial Governor Thomas Moonlight first supported statehood, then opposed it. Delegate to Congress Joseph M. Carey, also backed statehood.

What is Nevada Statehood?

i don't know i'm doing my state report right now and i have Nevada as my state >.<

Which important civil right is not granted to people living in US territories?

People who live in U.S. territories are not granted the civil right of full Congressional Representation. hope this helped ~anonymous

Why were several US Congressmen not in favor of statehood for Wyoming?

First of all, Wyoming's population was smaller than the 60,000 that Congress generally used to grant statehood. Wyoming giving women the right to vote was also a concern to some Congressmen.

Whats the difference between a territory and a state?

1. States have the right to vote, territories don't 2. A territory is governed by the federal government, while a state can have its own laws 3. Territories don't have representation in Congress, while states do

What countries had the right to trade according to Treaty of Tordesillas?

The Treaty of Tordesillas divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between Portugal and Spain. Spain had the right to trade in the territories west of the line, while Portugal had the right to trade in the territories to the east. This agreement aimed to prevent conflicts between the two countries over newly discovered territories.

What region did Britain and France had mandated territories?

organ( not shure i spell it right.)

What almost prevented the Wyoming Territory from gaining statehood?

There were several things that almost prevented Wyoing from gaining statehood. One was the fact that, even though enabling act bills had been introduced in Congress to enable Wyoming to pursue statehood, none had ever passed. Even so, Governor Francis E. Warren decided to continue as if an enabling act had passed. Then there was the requirement of a minimum population of 60,000 to gain statehood. Due to Wyoming's population being sparse, it was difficult to give an accurate count of the populace. The election to approve Wyoming's Constitution only garnered a total of 8,175 votes, causing Congress to question Wyoming having enough population. The third thing that almost prevented Wyoming from gaining statehood was the fact that the Wyoming Consititution gave women the right to vote. The Wyoming Territorial Legislature was the first governement in the world to enact a bill giving women the right to vote. That right to vote was included in Wyoming's State Constitution and caused Congress to threaten withholding statehood from Wyoming.

Why were all white men given the right vote in the new territories?

to attract new settlers