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Q: What disease can a raccoon pass to a dog through drinking water?
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How does a raccoon get water into its body?

Raccoons get part of their water through the food they eat and the rest by drinking it.

What is the most deadly disease that you can get from drinking unsafe water?

Cholera is the most deadly disease you can get from drinking unsafe water.

Jaundice is a disease caused by drinking polluted water?

It can be caused by drinking alcohol

Why did Leptospirosis spread easier in haiti after the earthquake?

This is a disease transmitted to people from animals. The infection is transmitted by people drinking water contaminated with animal urine. When the water supply is damaged, people drink what they can from where they can. Also the disease is caught through damage to the skin and through the eyes

Is maleria in food?

no maleria is a disease from drinking bad/dirty water

Is wring worm a disease caused by drinking impure water?


Do we get drinking water from the ocean?

Ocean water is converted to drinking water through a process known as desalinization (removal of salt).

When drinking the water passing through ear?

no the water don't pass through ear

Why was typhus a common disease back in history?

scarcity of drinking water pure

What purpose does the addition of chlorine to drinking water serve?

Kills microorganisms in the water, preventing the spread of disease.

Why is it more difficult to rid a community of a disease transmitted by arthropods than a disease transmitted via contaminated drinking water?

because you can just stop drinking the water and buy water bottles that were bottled far away so the water is ok. arthropods are hard to wipe out

Bacterial disease transmitted by drinking contaminated drinking water?

yes if the food or water is infected or has a diseas you can get a disease or gat infected