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You can get Diabetes. If it runs in your family then your chance of getting the disease is higher.

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Q: What disease can you get if you eat and drink things that contain to much sugar?
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Why does coke contain sugar?

Because nobody would drink it otherwise.

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What does cola contain that may make you awake if you drink it at night?

Caffeine and sugar.

Is it good to drink soft drink before going to sleep?

No. They contain sugar and usually caffeine, which are both stimulants.

Why is it so hard to stop drinking soft drinks?

Most soft drinks contain sugar, and sugar is addictive. It's not the drink, it's the sugar in it.

What is the difference between diet and normal soft drinks?

A diet soft drink has no sugar in it. It can contain an artificial sugar like aspartame.

What do you drink when you are sick?

You should drink water regular times, and buy some medician to help your body get better. You should never drink sweet things that contain sugar, such as soda, or milkshakes. And again, drink water because your body will need lots of it so it can help fight the sickness.

Is cool aid or diet soda better for you?

Niether are good for you. Both contain food dye, sugar, and other things not good. Better to drink fruit juice, tea, water, milk.

Does monster drinks push up your blood sugar?

While energy drinks are available in both regular sugar-sweetened and sugar-free versions, the amount of sugar in the sugar-sweetened energy drinks varies according to the size and kind of drink chosen. For example, an 8 ounce regular drink might contain 22.6 grams of sugar, while a 16 ounce drink could contain as much as 52 grams of sugar (or 13 teaspoons of sugar). Patients with diabetes who consume sugar-sweetened energy drinks could certainly expect their blood glucose levels to increase!

Do sugar alcohols contain alcohol?

Sugar alcohols do not contain ethanol (the stuff you drink). The simplest sugar alcohol, ethylene glycol, is the sweet but notoriously toxic chemical used in antifreeze. The higher sugar alcohols are for the most part nontoxic.

When a drink label says 23 grams of sugar is that the table sugar?

Type of sugar depends on the ingredients used in the drink. If the drink is made from real juice, then the amount of sugar listed will have been derived from the naturally occurring sugar from the fruit. Other drinks may contain cane sugar (this is more for internationally made drinks, especially soda), and most often, high fructose corn syrup.

How much sugar in fizzy drinks?

A typical carbonated soft drink will contain 25 - 30 grams (or more) of sugar. The combination of the phosphoric acid along with the sugar really does a number on your teeth. Diet drinks typically contain 1 gram or less of sugar or other carbs.