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Q: What disease causes purplish spots on the skin and gum problems?
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Related questions

Does a giraffe's tongue have spots on it?

No it does not. A giraffe's tongue is popularly known because it's purplish, long, and flexible. It won't have spots on it.

What disease causes rose spots?

Rose spots-- Small slightly raised reddish pimples that are a distinguishing feature of typhoid or paratyphoid infection.

What is petichea?

Petichiae are small purplish spots on the skin of the body caused by small blood vesicle or capillary hemorrhages.

What causes reddish purple round spots on my forearms?

Reddish purple spots on the forearms can be bruises, which will disappear on their own. These spots can also indicate a more serious disease like scurvy, or they can be senile purpura, a common skin disorder in people over 65.

What does it mean when you have spots on the liver?

There are a number of reasons why white spots would be on a person's liver such as inflammation, cysts, and even fatty liver disease. A doctor can determine what is the cause and prescribe medication accordingly.

Which fungal disease of plants causes soot-like black spots on stems and foliage?

National trust crossword, im stuck on this too :))) Think it might be smut

White spots on face?

The following are possible causes of white spots on the face:Leucoderma (Vitiligo)Fungal infectionPityriasis albaMiliaLeprosyPregnancyPoikiloderma of civatteLichen Sclerosis

What causes hot spots on earth?

The flow of molten magma is what causes varying hot spots on Earth. Hot spots are also known to heat water beneath the ground.

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How would the liquid inside smallpox spots give people the disease?

its a live disease

What is the Polaris disease?

The skin disorder, Keratosis pilaris, causes red bumps all over your arms and legs. It can also cause spots on your face, which look like acne.

Contagious skin disease with spots?