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Rabies is caused by RNA virus.

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Q: What disease is caused by an RNA virus?
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Is measles a DNA virus or RNA virus?

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Rabies is a viral disease caused by Rabies virus. Rabies virus is a non segmented negative sense single stranded RNA virus of the order Mononegavirlaes; family Rhabdoviridae and genus Lyssavirus.

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Hello there! Shingles is a disease caused by a reactivated varicella-zoster virus, the one responsible for chickenpox and it belongs to the herpesvirus superfamily where all of them are DNA viruses. Thank you for the question! 😄

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Is poilo a virus?

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What is a influeuza?

Influenza, or the flu, is an infectious disease. It is caused by the Flu Virus, also known as the RNA virus. Influenza is transmitted through coughs and sneezes, and is usually caught through the air, therefore is an airborne virus. (:

Is kidney disease caused by a virus or a bacteria?

A virus

Which is the deadly disease caused by viruses?

The deadly disease caused by virus is CANCER.

Is measles bacterial or fungal or virus?

virus is a disease which is caused by virus