

What disease killed the Aztec?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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11y ago

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Small pox

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Q: What disease killed the Aztec?
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he killed the Aztec but mainly by introducing disease to the Aztec society

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After Moctezuma's was killed the Aztec went into a frenzy. He was killed by either his people throwing stones at him or Cortez killing him, it is not known which happened. The war between Cortes and the Aztecs got out of hand. Cortes soon tried to get onto land by ship but couldn't. The Aztec either starved and/or were killed by a deadly disease that Cortez had brought to the Aztec, Smallpox.

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thw Aztec people killed him

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2 and 1/2 were killed.

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What Aztecs that were not killed on the battlefield or were enslaved, were struck down with a variety of different diseases mainly smallpox which killed well over 90% of all Native Americans who contracted the horrible disease.

What diseases did the spanish bring to Tenochtitlan?

The disease that the spanish brought into the Aztec Civilization was the Small Pox It infected alot of people and killed alot but fortunately some survived

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Why did the Aztec t Empire end?

Rape. and disease

How did the Aztecs get smallpox?

aztec people died from small pox and from sacrifice of their religoin.

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