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Small Pox, Influenza, Bubonic Plague, Typhus

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Q: What disease killed thousands of Aztecs?
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What effect did the disease carried by the spanish have on the Aztecs?

it had killed most of them.

What caused the Aztecs civilization to disappear?

The Cortez men killed half of them followed by a killer disease that killed the remaining.

What disease killed thousands between 1592 and 1593?

bubonic plague

How did Aztecs die out?

How the Aztecs died:The Aztecs died From The spanish coming and invading their City. It is Believed they also brought small pox with them, wich helped kill the aztecs. The Spanish Killed people as they were exploring the world. End they Killed the emporer at that time too. Rumor Has it they would rape and kill thousands of women every day.

What epidemic killed many Aztecs?

the epidemic that killed many aztecs was smallpox

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The disease is the Plague, a very deadly disease that killed thousands of people a long time ago.

What was it that enabled the Spaniards to capture the Aztecs?

They killed the Aztecs

What disease helped the Spanish defeat the Aztecs?


What whiped out the Aztecs?

It was the spanish they sailed to Mexico and killed the Aztecs

Which disease brought by Europeans to Australia killed thousands of indigenous people in the late 1700s?

Smallpox was the deadliest disease the Europeans brought to Australia, and it killed over half of the aboriginal population in areas where they were exposed.

Who killed cuauhtemoc?

The Aztecs

What are two reasons that the Aztec nation was wiped out?

Disease and inter-marriage. The Aztecs were at the center of Spanish control in Mexico, disease killed many but many more married Spanish men and had Mestizo children. So in a sense Aztecs are still around, they are the typical Mexican person of today.