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This particular symptom sounds like epilepsy. While during a seizure, most epileptics lack responsiveness and are variably comatose/incoherent, the brain is actually overloaded with a high level of firing between synapses, creating a sort of mental wave that the epileptic cannot handle. However I would suggest conducting more research on this matter. There are a whole range of mental conditions or diseases that result in rapid, high concentration brain activity.

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Q: What disease or disorder is characterized by sudden episodes of electrical activity in the brain?
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What is a mild version of bipolar disorder?

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Manic Depression is now referred to as bipolar disorder and is characterised by mood episodes. So they last at least 4 days. They also must have 'hi' manic episodes/hypomanic episodes (Type 2 bipolar) and 'low' depressions. These moods can last anywhere from days, to weeks, to months. And there is periods of normal functioning inbetween Borderline Personality Disorder has mood swing too, but they tend to last hours. More what you would typically describe as a mood swing.

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