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Depends what you were going to use? If you do it yourself you should have a brand new needle..if I were you I would have someone do it that is proffessional..but many of my friends do there own piercing and nver got anything you just have to keep it clean

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Q: What diseases can you get from piercing your own belly button?
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Where to get your belly button pierced when your tweleve years old?

The answer is; you don't. Your too young to spell your own age correctly so your hardly old enough to have a belly button piercing.

Is it safe piercing your own belly button?

if everything is clean and you know what your doing , yes if not leave it to the pros

Can you be 12 with parental permission and get a belly button ring?

The laws vary from place to place, but most require you to be at least 16 for a piercing other than the ears. Also, keep in mind that this type of piercing on your own is not safe.

How do you pierce your own belly button without using a navel kit?

I would advise you not to. Its extremely hard to line up the piercing when doing it yourself, and could wind up coming out crooked. Try going to your local tattoo parlor, or a piercing parlor which uses needles rather than a piercing gun.

Does it hurt to pierce your belly button?

If you have a professional piercing it then no it will not hurt.Answer: In the hands of a professional body piercer it's a simple and safe procedure, however this is not a ear lobe, there are plenty of things that can happen that you have no control over. So leave body piercing to professionals, this is not a Saturday afternoon hobby and people have been seriously hurt attempting to do there own piercing.

Why are the phrases belly piercing and belly button piercing annoying to professional piercers?

Well the proper name is "Navel Piercing" because the area we pierce is the top of the navel (this is the area above the umbilical knot or in lay terms "belly button"). We don't pierce, "belly buttons", we pierce navels. The phrase "belly" draws connotations of a less than clean and shapely individual, as an example "beer belly" (not per say a svelte image when mentally visualized). The phrase Navel is anatomically correct to indicate a location on the human anatomy. So when the phrase "belly piercing" or "belly button" piercing is used it also indicates a a lack of knowledge about body piercing and what is involved in providing the service. This can be a concern, people think something is simple and then they try to "do it your self" and end up gravely ill or seriously hurt jumping into something without doing the research. It's also a matter of respect for the craft, if you want something done learn about it for your own safety and address it as it should be addressed, using the correct terminology and names. Professional body piercers go through a lot of studying, learning, researching and practicing to become good enough to earn the respect of our peers and the trust of our clients. All we ask is that you take the time to learn a bit about what you want and treat it with the respect it deserves and the name it is known as.

How do you pirce your own belly button?

You don't, you get it done professionally to minimize the health risks you impose on yourself.

What is the best way of piercing your own navel at home?

Inviting a PROFESSIONAL licensed piercer to your home because any other way is stupid. A belly button piercing is the only common piercing considered a "surface" piercing and is the longest healing and most often rejected piercing there is. Placement, needle size and symmetry are not only important for esthetic but more so for proper healing. Burning a needle and letting your punk friend do it is just asking for an infection, a unattractive scar and lots of regrets when you're older.

What is the procedure of getting your belly button pierced?

Call the body piercing studio, book an appointment, arrive for the appointment, fill in paper work, go into studio and get piercing done, listen to aftercare instructions, get written aftercare instructions from the piercer, pay for the piercing. I will not go into the procedure of piercing any body part due to safety concerns, see some people think they can do this on there own and they have no clue how serious the whole piercing procedure is, so it's for that reason it will not be listed here. Just book your appointment with a licensed and inspected piercing facility and you wont have any trouble.

How do you make your own fake piercing?

FAKE BELLYBUTTON PIERCING Things you need- Stick on Rhine stones, dangleing earrings, and eyelash glue Steps- 1: Get the earring and take off the wire part. So now you have just the decortive part. 2: Glue the earring to the INSIDE of your belly button. 3: Take a Rhine stone and put it a pinch away from the belly button HINT (to make it look more real pinch it in between the earring and the stone so there is some skin pushed out) Hoped that helped with out the pain of a real one!

If you take your own jewelry to a piercing shop will use your jewelry?

depends on what it is made out of, what the shops rules are, & what type of jewelry it is for the piercing. for any piercing, if it is made out of sterling silver they would probably use it. aluminum or plastic, or some kind of other funky metal, not a chance. they could get in major trouble for that. some shops just aren't allowed to because they want to profit by selling their own jewelry or don't want to take a risk of the piercing getting infected from you're jewelry. & if you're looking to getting something like a belly button piercing for example & you have a dangling piece that you want to put in of yours, they wont do it because of safety reasons to your new piercing.

What happens if you play with your belly button?

It may not be natural or normal. Some people think it's weird some people think there's nothing wrong with that. As far as I'm concerned it can't be worse than playing with your penis or your vagina. I think if you want to play with your belly button it's your own business. Some people think you should see a therapist if you play with your belly button but it's not true. The therapist will tell you that playing with your belly button can't be worse than masturbating or self-orgasm.