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Jaundice is a yellow color in the skin, mucus membranes, or eyes. The yellow color comes from bilirubin, a byproduct of old red blood cells. Jaundice is a sign of other diseases.

This article discusses the possible causes of jaundice in children and adults. For information on jaundice in very young infants, see: Newborn jaundice

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Causes of jaundice


Common causes of jaundice in older children and adults include:

Other causes of jaundice include:

  • Cancer of the pancreas
  • Disorders present since birth that makes it hard for the body to breakdown bilirubin (such as Gilbert syndrome, Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor syndrome, or Crigler-Najjar syndrome)
  • Eating poisonous mushrooms or other poisons
  • Immune disorder that mistakenly attacks healthy liver tissue (autoimmune hepatitis)
  • Liver damage caused by reduced oxygen or blood flow to the liver
  • The body destroys too many blood cells and the liver cannot handle them (hemolytic anemia)
  • Use of certain drugs, including an overdose of acetaminophen

Gallbladder and bile duct disorders that can cause jaundice include:

  • Blocked or narrowed bile ducts (by infection, tumor, stricture, or gallstones)
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis
  • Bile build up in the gallbladder because of pressure in the belly area during pregnancy (jaundice of pregnancy)

See also:


Lidofsky SD. Jaundice. In: Feldman M, Friedman LS, Brandt LJ, eds. Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease. 9th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2010:chap 20.

Reviewed By

Review Date: 04/17/2011

David C. Dugdale, III, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of General Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine; George F. Longstreth, MD, Department of Gastroenterology, Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program, San Diego, California. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

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Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, and mononucleosis are diseases that can affect the liver. Gallstones, a blocked bile duct, or the use of drugs or alcohol can also cause jaundice.

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What is Prevalence of jaundice?

Outcome depends on the cause. As the underlying condition improves, the jaundice will usually disappear. Individuals with jaundice secondary to cirrhosis may develop kidney (chronic renal) or liver failure. Individuals with jaundice secondary to acute viral hepatitis may develop chronic active hepatitis.

Is there any harmful effect of Hepatitis B?

The acute illness causes liver inflammation, vomiting, jaundice and rarely, death. Chronic hepatitis B may eventually cause cirrhosis and liver cancer.

What causes high bilirubin can it be drink?

Cirrhosis may cause normal, moderately high or high levels of bilirubin, depending on exact features of the cirrhosis. Excessive consumption of alcohol is the most common cause of cirrhosis.

What causes pigment cirrhosis?

Disorders like the inability to metabolize iron and similar disorders may cause pigment cirrhosis

Symptoms of cirrhosis or liver disease?

What are the symptoms and signs of cirrhosis? Patients with cirrhosis may have few or no symptoms and signs of liver disease. Some of the symptoms may be nonspecific, that is, they don't suggest that the liver is their cause. Some of the more common symptoms and signs of cirrhosis include: * Yellowing of the skin (jaundice) due to the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood * Fatigue * Weakness * Loss of appetite * Itching * Easy bruising from decreased production of blood clotting factors by the diseased liver.

How is cirrhosis impacted daily living?

cirrhosis is an irreversible diseases that may have affect or impact a person's dialy living by lessen the chances of being with other because of feeling not well.

Does jaundice spread if you touch the hand of person having disease?

True jaundice comes from the reddish-yellow bile salt, bilirubin. Unusually high concentrations of this compound in the body cause yellowing, or jaundice. Jaundice is typically diagnostic of liver failure. As such, jaundice itself does not spread by touch. However, if an infectious disease has attacked the liver and thus is the root cause of the jaundice, that infection may be transmissible by touch.

What are the long term effects of Jaundice?

Itching, yellow-tinged skin, if not cured, can cause death.

Can a dog get jaundice? The prognosis for most cats depends on which diseases are causing the jaundice. Some diseases can be reversed completely while others will be fatal. Cats' skin tissues may remain yellow for some time after the hyperbilirubinemia has been corrected. There are various treatments for jaundice, all of which depend on the symptoms and the cause. Some diseases that cause jaundice, such as inoperable cancer, are irreversible and result in death. However, other diseases, such as feline fatty liver syndrome, in which fat gets deposited into the liver tissue, can be managed quite effectively. Cats with life-threatening anemia will need a blood transfusion. Most animals with jaundice will require hospitalization initially. Intravenous fluid administration, cage rest to encourage the liver to heal, and appropriate nutritional support may be needed. The veterinarian will prescribe medications to manage symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, excessive abdominal fluid, and neurological problems; these medications must be carefully monitored, however, since the liver metabolizes many drugs. Follow-up visits with blood and urine re-evaluations will be needed to determine the success of the treatment.

Can you get jaundice by kissing?

Jaundice is a descriptive term for yellow skin. Your skin won't turn yellow from kissing someone. If the cause of their jaundice is an infectious diease, you may contract it from kissing. The viral hepatitis infections are not spread by kissing.

Meaning of the original word cirrhosis?

The original meaning of the word cirrhosis is literally "yellowish condition." This refers to advanced liver disease, which may cause the skin to become jaundiced or yellow in appearance.

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Common diseases that cause blindness are onchocerciasis, syphilis, diabetes, glaucoma, trachoma. Many other less common diseases may cause blindness.