


Jaundice is the yellowing of the skin caused by increased levels of bilirubin in the blood.

212 Questions

What causes jaundice in newborns?

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Newborn jaundice is caused when there are high bilirubin levels in the blood.

What is the treatment for pre-hepatic jaundice?

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no treatment hospitalize him an treat according to symptoms

Should an adult with jaundice go out into the sun?

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Check with your doctor and follow their advice. Light may help in combination with other treatments. However, you should be cautious with sunlight since other medications may cause you to sunburn more easily.

Which fruit is best during jaundice?

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all of these fruits are good during pregnancy .. because they contain folate & folate is important during pregnancy:



Kiwi Fruit








If you eat all of the fruit in moderation that's great!.. Make a fruit salad or something.. that way you get all the different types of vitamins and minerals as well :)

Who discovered jaundice?

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John Dice discovered Jaundice.

What are some nursing interventions for jaundice?

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-Monitor skin turgor,Monitor intake output.

-Keep the temperature between 35.5 ° - 37 ° C,Check vital signs every 2 hours.

-Assess skin color every 8 hours.

-Review knowledge of the client's family.

What is the chief complaint of patient with jaundice?

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If that's what the patient said, it could be a chief complaint. Traditionally, the chief complaint is in the patient's own words.

Is bright yellow urine a sign of jaundice?

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Excess riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, a common ingredient in almost all multi-vitamins, will turn your urine bright yellow. Also other dietary factors will do this.

Bright/light coloured urine is not usually an indication of kidney or bladder problems, dark or cloudy urine are more likely to be an indication of kidney or bladder problems. If you are worried see a doctor

How do you control jaundice?

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Phototherapy is treatment with light. It is used in some cases of newborn jaundice to lower the bilirubin levels in your baby's blood through a process called photo-oxidation. Photo-oxidation adds oxygen to the bilirubin so it dissolves easily in wate

Modes of jaundice transmission?

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through mosquitoes that bite the infected person

What is the difference between hemolytic jaundice and obstuctive jaundice?

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indirect biliruben is much more elevated in hemolytic jaundice than in obstructive jaundice in absence of sonographic finding of stone empaction in biliary tract

What is physiologic jaundice in newborns?

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judice cause by immaure liver of new born baby

What organ system does the jaundice effect?

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This question doesn't make sense? Jaundice affects the skin and the sclera (white part) of the eyes. Body system? Jaundice is caused by an excess of billirubin in the blood, due to the liver or an obstruction in the billiary tract.

What does jaundice indicate?

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Jaundice (a build up of waste product known as bilirubin from the break breakdown and removal of iron from haemoglobin in blood cells) indicates that the person suffering from the condition has an underlying medical condition.

There are three main types of jaundice which are divided into groups based on their underlying causes. Information on these (taken from the UK NHS website) is summarised below:

1. Hepatocellular jaundice

This occurs when bilirubin remains within the liver, rather than travelling to the kidneys for removal from the body. This can be caused by liver failure, liver disease (cirrhosis), hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) or by taking certain medication. This is the most common type of jaundice.

2. Haemolytic jaundice

This occurs when an excess of bilirubin is produced due to the break down of a large number of red blood cells. This may be due to anaemia or a problem with metabolism and a number of other conditions.

3. Obstructive jaundice

This occurs when the bile duct becomes blocked preventing bilirubin from leaving the liver. This is usually caused by gallstones, a cyst or a tumour of the bile duct or pancreas.

What year was jaundice found?

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19th centure

What drugs cause jaundice?

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Jaundice means yellowing. The skin is yellow. Even the whites of the eyes are yellow. These are both seen in jaundice. This is due to high bilirubin levels from liver diseaseand cancer of the liver. Gall stones can block the gall ducts and also cause this.

What tests should be done for jaundice?

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The location and severity of abdominal pain and the presence or absence of fever help the doctor to distinguish between hepatic and obstructive jaundice.

Can you drink sugarcane juice if you have jaundice?

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After some basic and quick research, it is actually said that a high glucose diet is preferable during Jaundice (although you should stay away from artificial, refined sugars). Thus said, fruits and vegetables are your best bet and of course, sugarcane juice is excellent for you.

What is Prevalence of jaundice?

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Outcome depends on the cause. As the underlying condition improves, the jaundice will usually disappear. Individuals with jaundice secondary to cirrhosis may develop kidney (chronic renal) or liver failure. Individuals with jaundice secondary to acute viral hepatitis may develop chronic active hepatitis.