

Best Answer

Really? The question should state.."what diseases are not contractable from licking a r andom bottle on a table at a dance..that might be easier to answer. Someone that does this, might want to start with a psych eval??

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Q: What diseases or effects can develop from licking a random bottle on a table in a dance?
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What are the side effects of prescription medicine?

well u would have to look on the bottle different medicine have different side effects

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i think it explodes if u poke the bottle

Can Viagra cause headaches?

Yes, It is listed as one of the side effects on the bottle.

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When smoke is added to a bottle condensation usually occurs and by squeezing the bottle will simulate the air pressure dropping and its effects on the environment. Basically it will provide the perfect conditions to create a small cloud in the bottle.

What diseases causes sore darker bumpy nipples?

Hepatitis, Herpatitis, Nerpatitis and Downs Syndrome. WARNING: If you suspect that you have contracted one or more of these diseases go to the nearest pharmacy and buy a bottle of the strongest antihistamine, take the full bottle (don't pay attention to dosage suggestions on bottle.) This should clear it all up and you'll be back to pretty nipples in no time!

What is the value of a 52 year old bottle of johnnie walker black label?

generally speaking liquor doesn't change once its in a bottle, the only time that age effects flavor is when it is in a barrel. your bottle probably is not much more valuable than a brand new bottle of black.

Is it Safe to drink milk after the bottle top has been pierced by a bird?

The bird could carry some diseases and there is a possiblitity that there are on the bottle top and so i you drink out it you may get the bacteria/disease in your body. However I would just drink.

Is a seventeen month old baby to old to be on a bottle?

It depends on the baby. Some develop slower than others. The Dr can answer that question.

What affect does thermoplastic have on the environment?

'I don't think that 'thermoplastic effects environment because if you was going to buy for example a bottle of water can reuse the bottle again and again and it safes you from buying new bottles and you can also safe money .

Who invented the egg in a bottle experiment?

These are experiments where an egg is sucked into a bottle, when -- the bottle is heated, then allowed to cool -- a burning piece of paper is placed inside These have been used to demonstrate the effects of -- temperature and pressure -- the chemical binding of oxygen by oxidation ...and have been around since the 19th century (anytime since the invention of the glass milk bottle around 1877).