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brain disease, because their are so many people who abuse youjizz and youporn.

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Q: What diseases shows significant increase or decrease of victims from year to year?
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How does immune deficiency diseases affect victims?

Their immune system becomes weaker.

What are the advantages of Expanded program of immunization in communicable diseases?

The main advantage in a expanded program of immunization is that it prevents communicable diseases from spreading to new victims. Without new victims and hosts to grow and spread an outbreak of a communicable disease will naturally die out.

Did Jack the Ripper have syphilis?

He was never apprehended and he didn't assault his victims in a sexually way. Syphilis or other diseases, were unknown to the police.

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Who were the primary victims of the holocaust?

People in the baltic states that were first invaded in the summer of 1941. The disabled in Germany were the first who suffered execution for political/idealogical reasons, but this was of course not part of the Holocaust.

What was the job of most of Jack the Ripper's murder victims?

There were token protests from a few family members and/or significant others as to the profession of their loved ones after meeting with Jack The Ripper, but the truth is without exception the Ripper's victims were full/part/occational prostitutes.

How can you decrease the amount of murders and rapes?

There is very little that the average person can do to decrease the amount of violent crime in a society. Education will help, to teach people that these things are very, very wrong and should never happen. The most people can do on their own is to donate money to organizations that help victims of violent crimes and their families. It will not change that the crime happened, but it will help the victims deal with the crime, and give them support as they move forward.

How was the plague democratic?

No. I don't think deadly diseases have political party representatives.

What event in history had people hysterically killing of cats?

There is one event, which is the Black Death, or Bubonic Plague in medieval times. People believed that the cats carried the plague, but they made a big mistake in killing off the cats. The cats were natural predators of rats, the actual carriers of the plague. Decrease of cats means increase of rats, plague, and victims.

How has bullying and cyberbullying changed over time?

Before the invention of the Internet, cyber bullying was non-existent. Overtime, the viciousness of attacks has increased. Physical bullying and emotional torment from bullying and cyber bullying has also increased. The rates of bullying and cyber bullying have increased. In relation to cyber bullying, the rate of it has increased due to the anonymity of users and the decrease in victims reporting it. In relation to bullying, the rate of it has increased due to the decrease of victims reporting it.

What Were the Most Significant Losses Victims Faced During the Holocaust?

significance really depends on your point of view, but to most it would surely be the loss of people's families.

What did Jews die of in Holocaust?

The Jewish victims were gassed or shot; others were worked to death on grossly insufficient food, and others died of typhus and other diseases that swept through the camps.