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Q: What disorders are caused by the inversion mutation?
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What is an inversion mutation?

An inversion in meteorology is when atmospheric pressure causes an abnormal condition. An example would be that the pressure causes warmer air to sink closer to earth's surface and cooler air to rise higher. When this inversion happens, one of the effects is that pollution and smog stay trapped within our atmosphere.

What is an mutation?

An Inversion mutation is a mutation that causes a reversal in the order of a segment of a chromosome within the chromosome, or a gene.

What mutation involves two chromosomes?

Inversion and duplication!

What causes a chromosome inversion?

Inversion is caused by a) radiation causing the chromosome to break or b) two chromosomes entangling causing one to break. source yahoo answers

What does insertion and inversion mutation have in common?

They are both mutations of chromosomes

How would a protein be changed if a mutation caused a base to be added?

A mutation in which an extra nitrogen base is added is called a frameshift mutation. The rest of the sequence after the mutation will code for different amino acids, which will result in the alteration of the protein. Frameshift mutations cause severe genetic disorders.

How do genetic disorders occur in humans?

Genetic disorders can be caused by a mutation in one gene (monogenic disorder), by mutations in multiple genes (multifactorial inheritance disorder), by a combination of gene mutations and environmental factors, or by damage to chromosomes (changes in the number or structure of entire chromosomes.

What type of mutation results in the Reversal of the direction of part of the chromosome?

The type of mutation that results in the reversal of the direction of part of the chromosome is called an inversion mutation. It occurs when a segment of the chromosome breaks and is reinserted in the opposite orientation. This can disrupt the normal functioning of genes located within the inverted region.

What is the biology meaning of inversion?

A chromosomal mutation in which a block of genes in a segment is in reverse order

4 types of mutation resulting from the breakage of chromosomes?

Its deletion duplicating inversion and translational

Is a chromosomal mutation where pieces of the chromosome are switched?

Nope, what you're thinking of is actually called an inversion mutation (a type of structural aberration); a chromosomal mutation is simply any sort of mutation that affects an organism's genotype.