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Loyalists wanted to stay loyal to Britain but the patriots didn't; they wanted independence. the patriots did not like it when Britain taxed them from thousands of miles away and when it passed laws that were unjust. loyalists did not want to fight Britain

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Q: What distinguished American patriots and American loyalists?
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What 3 groups were the American colonists divided into during the American revolution?

loyalists, patriots, and redcoats

Who are the loyalists patriots in the American Revolution?

The loyalists were the people who stayed loyal to the king.

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Who were loyalists and patriots?

Loyalists- colonists who were loyal to Britain. Patriots- colonists who wanted to be free from Britain.

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Loyalists support the leaders, patriots defend their country. During the American Revolution Loyalists supported the rule of the English King while Patriots wanted a new government for the colonies (they were not states yet).

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The patriots were the revolutionaries fighting for the independence of the colonies, whereas the loyalists remained loyal to the crown and The United Kingdom hence the name, loyalists were loyal.

In the American colonies did Loyalists oppose or support the American Revolution?

They opposed the Revolution. (Loyalists were loyal to Britain.)

Were there more loyalists or patriots in the south?

Loyalists and patriots were all Americans however, loyalists supported Brittan and patriots were all for America

What colonists supported the American Revolution?

the patriots not the stupid football team either