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Q: What diuretics are used intraoperatively?
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What are some types of Thiazide diuretics?

Thiazide diuretics include such commonly used diuretics as hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL, Esidrix), chlorothiazide (Diuril), and chlorthalidone (Hygroton)

How are diuretics grouped?

Diuretics are grouped into three main categories: thiazide diuretics, loop diuretics, and potassium-sparing diuretics. Each category works by different mechanisms to increase urine output and reduce fluid retention in the body. Thiazide diuretics are commonly used for treating high blood pressure, while loop diuretics are often used for reducing excess fluid in conditions like heart failure or kidney disease. Potassium-sparing diuretics help maintain potassium levels while promoting diuresis.

Is a hernia recordable?

Yes it can be recorded..clinically and intraoperatively too

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What medication can be used for edema?

most often Lasix is used, but other diuretics can be used also.

What are the uses of potassium sparing diuretics?

They might be used to reduce hypertension, for oedema, for heart failure, or when potassium loss is a concern (instead of other diuretics)

What does periprosthetic mean?

Periprosthetic fracturesFractures around joint replacement prosthetics or implants. They can occur intraoperatively or postoperatively.

What is intraoperatively?

Radiation during surgery to kill cancer cells that may remain in surrounding tissue after the surgery

What are some types of Loop diuretics?

loop diuretics loop diuretics The Potassium sparing kind. IE. Hydrochlorothiazide with triamterene or "Dyazide."

What is a common name for diuretics?

diuretics, also called water pills

What is laxatives and diuretics?

laxatives make you poo and diuretics make you pee.

Can diuretics cause xerostomia?

Yes they do! Diuretics are an antihypertensive drug and they cause xerostomia, diuretics increase urine output not increase saliva production.