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your question "What do Protestants think about Catholics in general" can be categorized in several group. a few would be; 1. Flat Earther Protestant. 2. Fundamental Protestant, 3. Free-Thinking Protestant. 4. Young Earther Protestant 5. etc, etc, etc... Which of the different groups are you refering to?

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I believe that during mass Catholics believe the water and wine is changed into Jesus's body and blood and protestants do not. Also, some Protestants feel that if you believe in Jesus you are saved no matter what you do in life. Catholics believe Jesus came to take away sin and to show the way to salvation by how one lives their life and by that one we will be judged. When you look at the long tradition of Anti-Catholicism in England and the US it's not difficult to understand why Catholics might be somewhat distrustful towards Protestants. That coupled with attempts to convert Catholics by some. I don't see any overt anti-Protestatism, but I am old enough to remember the Anti-Catholicism that surfaced when JFK ran for president. I think there is more animosity on the Protestants side to be honest. Especially Fundamentalists.

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