

What do Cholinergic fibers secrete?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Acetylcholine (Ach), which causes sweat production

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Q: What do Cholinergic fibers secrete?
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Cholinergic neurons secrete acetylcholine.

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cholinergic is receptor that secrete the acitylcholine

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Andrenergic fibers release Norepinephrine and Cholinergic fibers release Acetylcholine.

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The pyloric sphincter is mediated by excitatory cholinergic vagal fibers, so a cholinergic agonist would constrict the sphincter.

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sympathetic division. Parasympathetic division fibers called cholinergic fibers release acetylcholine.

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A network of cytoplasmic fibers rods and granules that can collect proteins and secrete them outside the cell?

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What is Sar of cholinergic drugs?

The SAR (Structure-Activity Relationship) of cholinergic drugs involves a quaternary ammonium group for interaction with the receptor, an acetyl group for substrate recognition, and an appropriate spacer between these groups for optimal receptor binding. Modifications to these structural features can affect the drug's potency, selectivity, and pharmacokinetic properties.

What is cholinergic and anti cholinergic drugs?

Cholinergic drugs are used for urinary retention, myasthenia gravis, glaucoma. Cholinergic drugs act like the neurotransmitter ACh (acetylcholine). Anti Cholinergic (also called Cholinergic blocking) drugs block the action of the ACh. Anti Cholinergic drugs are used foe pylorospasm & peptic ulcers, bladder overactivity, parkinson's disease