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Many Christians would maintain that only The Bible has a right to say about the church, not the other way around. When a church "filters" the Bible through its own (manmade) doctrine, the only possible result is unscriptural error.

Matthew 15:9 - And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. [NKJV]

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Q: What do Christians believe the church has a right to say about the Bible?
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Is The Bible right?

Some people do not believe the Bible, but Christians believe it is right.

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Christians believe in what the bible says is right. If other religions believe the same then so be it. But the bible is the true word of God.

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I would say because their minds are shut to the truth. They believe that the Koran is accurate, while Christians believe that the Bible is accurate. They think that they are right. They want to convert us over to their false religion. The truth, though, is that the Bible is the Word of God. It has been proven again and again by science, archaeology, etc.

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you believe what you are told from the time you are born so if you are born in another part of the world you will believe what you are told is right and ofcourse everyone is right and everyone else is wrong.but some choose to use the brain they were born with when they get older and research for them selves

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Yes, Christians believe in animal cloning there is plenty of evidence to suggest animal cloning happens. The real question is - is animal cloning morally right? However the Bible does not say if animal cloning is right or wrong and probably most Christians have no opinion about animal cloning. Jesus said "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" not go and be involved in animal rights or politics.

What do Orthodox Christians believe in?

Wow, what a loaded question! I recommend reading The Orthodox Church by Timothy (Kallistos) Ware for an introduction to Orthodoxy. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America page has some good exlanations of doctrine and belief: In short, they are Christians and the word Orthodox means right teaching. They have not deviated away from the teaching of the bible and the early church fathers who are held in high regard. They are therefore seen by many in the west as conservative. They do not get easily swayed by shifts in the culture around them. They are led and overseen by bishops who defer to each other in a collegiate fashion, that is no one of them is held to be infallible. They believe that God is the Trinity. That is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all being one in love. They believe that God himself is expressed in the life of the faithful lived through the church.

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We are in the great tribulation period. There is not one single church in the world that is the right church. They are all the wrong church. Read your bible and pray directly to God for understanding if God wills He will open your eyes.

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In the Church of Christ, it is the right thing not to drink. But others think it is ok, for they do not know what is right, they do not know enough. Most of the time, Christians do not drink alchohol.

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Christians believe that terrorism is wrong.