

What do Christians say about meat?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What do Christians say about meat?
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Are Christians allowed to eat meat and why?

Yes, Christians are allowed to eat meat, as there is no "rule" against it in the New Testament. Christians are merely advised to avoid blood.

Are christians allowed to eat meat on Friday?

yes they really dont care, also they eat whatever whenever.

What did the early Christians eat?

The Early Christians ate rice, bread, meat products, few dairy products and drank wine or water. The Christians got punished by the Jews for putting rice (or dairy products) in the same bowl as meat.

How do you say meat in Australia?

You say it as "meat".

What do different religious scriptures say about eating animals?

The Bible and I think the Koran says it is bad to eat meat from the pig and to eat meat that was offered up to God as a sacrifice for our sins. Many Jews, Christians and Islamic people do not eat meat like that. The scriptures do allow you to eat meat from cows and other animals that chew their cud. It also allows us to eat fish. Grains, vegetable and fruit are eaten too. The Muslims avoid all alcohol and the Jews and Christians use it for special reasons but not to the excess of being drunk. Many Christians abstain from it totally due to the problem of drunk drivers. Many Christians will avoid foods that can make them sick, such as pork fat, foods that might have salmonella or other germs. Some Christians avoid meat because they want to be vegetarians, though this is not a religious requirement.

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Christians say that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob

what did the meat say to the other meat?

nice to meat you

What do Christians drink?

Christians drink wine, other websites say it is a special drink to christians.

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the christians are coming, the christians are coming.

Do Christians eat meat?

Most do; but the Seventh Day Adventists encourage their followers to be vegetarian.

How do you say 'I want meat' in Spanish?

To say 'I want meat' in Spanish, you would say 'Yo quiero carne.'

How can you say nice to meat you in dutch?

meat you?meet you.