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transition of an electron from a higher energy level to a lower energy level.

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Q: What do Each of the colored lines in hydrogen's emission spectrum corresponds with?
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What is the mixture of visible light?

colored light spectrum

What is the series of colored bands created when sunlight is separated?

A spectrum

The emission of colored light rays by a substance during exposure to ultraviolet light?


Colored material that absorbs some colors but reflects others?

All colored materials, except white-colored and black-colored materials, reflects or emits its own color of light while the other parts of the spectrum are absorbed. White-colored and black-colored materials are exceptions because, white-colored materials reflects all the colors or all the parts of the visible spectrum because white's composition is all the colors and, black-colored materials absorb all the colors while reflecting none because black is merely the absence of any color although black is sometimes described as a color. In other words, white is composed of all the parts of the visible spectrum that is why white-colored materials reflect all the light. In the other hand, black do not reflect any color or any part of the visible spectrum but absorb all of it because black is the absence of spectral light or simply the absence of light.

When heated each element produces a series of thin colored lines called?

Spectrum or spectra

The series of colored bands created when sunlight is separated?

This is called the (visible) spectrum; and may also be referred to as a rainbow.

A colored ion generally indicates a?

The presence of a transition metal.Read more: A_colored_ion_generally_indicates_what

Which basic property determines a colored light placement on the spectrum of visible light?

Most of the spectrum charts that I have seen are listed in wavelengths, particularly nanometers (nm). Where 1 nm = 1x10^-9 m.

If you mix all the colored lights of the spectrum together they will appear?

White or sunlight -- the sun emits light very close to your description. =====================================

Which basic property determines a colored lights placement on the spectrum of visible light?

Most of the spectrum charts that I have seen are listed in wavelengths, particularly nanometers (nm). Where 1 nm = 1x10^-9 m.


of the color between green and orange in the spectrum, a primary subtractive color complementary to blue; colored like ripe lemons or egg yolks.

The range of colors?

The range of colors is known as the color spectrum, which includes all the colors that can be seen by the human eye. This spectrum can be categorized into different groups, such as primary colors, secondary colors, and tertiary colors, and is often represented in a color wheel.